So put rock then sand then water, IO brand. "Live" sand (However live it is I know) Carib sea oolite, two inch bed, 40 lbs approx live cured "real reef" rock brand, 20 lbs approx BRS dry reef saver tock, left over from 20 long orig set up So I'm upgrading from a 20 long to a 75 gal. I don't know if I should keep this here under oolite or make a new thread Looking forward to sand not poofing and moving my fish over in a few weeks / mos when cycle done

I added up the gph on all things I think : And will move over the mp10 from the 20 long unknown if the one koralia and the mp10 will be enough. Have a koralia 1500 pointed up due to crazy sand, a aquaclear 110 hob running chemipure elite, purigen and filter floss, heater and a eshopps psk 75 hob skimmer that I took off the 20 long. Then set up and cycled a 20 long for them. Saved everything and has then in a way too small ten gal qt sw tank.
That cracked in early 2014 diagonally down the side in middle of night. I wanted it cause I really like the gobies and wanted them to have nice fine sand to sift thru. Then today I ever so gently turkey basted off the rocks from the fine layer of silt. Then I added some more live rock and poofed it up again It settled. Expecting ultra cloudiness and wasn't disappointed. Put the water in slowly on top of the empty live sand bags. Just came for some reassurance that it will stop.

I love it appearance wise, and I'm trying to be patient till it gets a film on top to stop the poofiness but honestly I'm semi thinking about taking it out and putting Fiji pink lol. I have been reading about oolite in this forum for a long time and yes I still bought it and put it in my new cycling 75 gal sw tank. New to the forum, have posted in hydra 26 HD lighting thread and welcome thread so far.