Bread: money in general (on the analogy of it being a staple of life)ħ. Bills: multiples of one hundred dollarsĦ. Big ones: multiples of one thousand dollarsĤ. Benjamins: a one-hundred-dollar bill (in reference to the portrait of Benjamin Franklin that distinguishes it)ģ. Here’s a roster of slang synonyms in plural form for words for US currency in particular, many of which are useful for playful references to money or as options for evoking a historical period in fiction by using contemporary idiom:Ģ. " Create your personal my Social Security account today."įidelity Investments.I find very little about money to be interesting, other than counting my own, but I’ve noted that there’s a rich fund of slang terms for money that can help enliven both casual and more serious content about currency and finance. " Retirement Topics - IRA Contribution Limits." " 401(k) Limit Increases to $22,5 IRA Limit Increases to $6,500." " Alternate Measures of Replacement Rates for Social Security Benefits and Retirement Income." " 18th Annual Transamerica Retirement Survey," Pages 13, 20, and 49. Transamerica Center for Retirement Studies. " 18th Annual Transamerica Retirement Survey,". " The State of American Retirement: How 401(k)s Have Failed Most American Workers." " Retirement Security Amid COVID-19: The Outlook of Three Generations,". " Retirement Security: Most Households Approaching Retirement Have Low Savings, an Update." " New Law Helps People Save for Retirement Other Retroactive Changes Impact Many Taxpayers."įidelity.

" Retirement Topics - Catch-Up Contributions." “ 2022 Limitations Adjusted as Provided in Section 415(d),”. " Building Financial Futures-Trends and Insights of Those Saving for Retirement Across America 3rd Quarter 2021." " How Does Your Retirement Savings Progress Stack Up?"įidelity. " Building Financial Futures Q3 2022."įidelity. " Fact Sheet for Workers Ages 18–48."įidelity. " Fidelity Building Financial Futures Report." " Fidelity Q3 2022 Retirement Analysis: Despite Continued Volatility, Retirement Fundamentals Remain Sound."įidelity. You'll be able to view and estimate how much you'll receive per month in benefits when you retire, based on the years you've worked and your earnings.įidelity. Register for an online account at the Social Security Administration's website. Learn how Social Security (and Medicare) work, and what you might expect from them in benefits.

Since they can have an impact on your account balances over time, lowering them should be a priority.

Based on that, you'll be better able to develop a plan to accrue the sum you need, by the time you need it. Take the time to carefully consider and estimate how much you'll need to live comfortably after your 9-to-5 days are over.